Monday, June 23, 2014

Kenny Westerberg RIP

6th grade picture

I lost my boyhood friend, Kenny Westerberg, today due to complications brought on by surgery for colon cancer. We attended 12 years of school together, played baseball and basketball (played in state tournament) and did a lot of just goofing around.

I went to his wedding in 1968. It was a fabulous wedding in Boston with limousines, wedding hall with orchestra and seven course meal the likes of which I had never seen before or since.

He is survived by two sons, John and Shawn and sister Konnie Wigman.  He requested no service and that his ashes be strewn on his parents grave in Iroquois, SD.

                       Click here for obituary

Me, Bob Hoevet and Kenny in I Club photo from our yearbook.

We should have been the Iroquois White Sox instead of Chiefs.
Kenny had a lead part in our Jr. Class Play
Kenny held down the post

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