Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Veterans Day 2014

Legion Post 377 Color Guard conducted a flag education/
dedication ceremony for 4th graders at Delano Elementary.

                                                          "To the Colors" is played after the flag is raised and there is no
                                                         band to play the National Anthem. It commands the same
                                                    respect as the National Anthem.

VFW Post 1901 Patriot Pen Essay Contest Winners:
Clair Moonen, Ellis Rold and Calvin Kowalsky. This
year's theme was "What America's Veterans Mean to Me."
The "Wall of Honor" was dedicated at Delano High School.
The Wall will contain the names of current DHS grads serving
in the Armed Forces.

Brett Norling wrote a great essay on "What the Pledge of
Allegiance Means to Me."

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