Friday, December 2, 2016

Oppose nomination of secretary of education

It was the first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln, who said "Education is the most important subject we can be engaged in." Free public education for all is a major underpinning of democracy. That underpinning is threatened by the nomination of Betsy DeVos as secretary of education. She and Trump want to institute vouchers, which send public money to private schools. And this could include private schools set up by Islamic extremists. Don't let the extremists that are taking over our government get by with this. Mail senators, especially Republican senators from the party of Lincoln, urging them to oppose her nomination.

Click here to start the process.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Flag Folding Instruction

Marvin G. Shields Memorial Post 26 conducted flag folding and etiquette instruction for Girl Scout Troop 44016 on November 4.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

New Cycle

Keiser M3i indoor Cycle
 Hey Wes Aylsworth and Roger's Riders! Here is the new bike that is the solution to riding in rain, hail, wind, and high traffic.
Why you need one

I am promoting these signs in East Jefferson County

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Vets Memorials

Lake Preston, SD

Arlington, SD
Today we braked for veterans' memorials in Arlington and Lake Preston, SD.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Port Ludlow Trails Crew

This crew is breaking a new hiking trail adding to the existing 27 miles of trails in Port Ludlow.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Trees Matter!

In other parts of the country people are protesting the oil pipelines going through the midwest or shootings by police. Out here we are protesting Port Ludlow Associates taking out timber where they are not suppose to be taking it out. Port Ludlow is known as and markets itself as  "A village in the woods by the bay." The woods are threatened.

This is one of the areas PLA has clear cut in violation of the rules.
More of the same area.

This is how it is suppose to look on the left.

Residents of Port Ludlow carried out a major demonstration today.

We live in a master planned resort with restrictions on timberharvesting.
Two things capture CO2 around here. Trees and the water.

There was a whole lot of honking going on today at the junction of Breaker Ln and Paradise Bay Road.

This demonstration was covered exclusively by the Sweet Times.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Totem Pole Tuesday, Port Ludlow, WA

On Tuesdays a group meets for drinks and snacks at the Totem Pole

You can get here by boat

...or seaplane

Friday, September 16, 2016

Olympic Peninsula

There are many activities listed for Salt Creek Campground. I chose "contemplating life" as the one to pursue this week.

Salt Creek is a great campground with views of the Strait of

Jaun de Fuca

Bring your kyak or paddle board to the beach

There are several pre WW I gun bunkers near the campground.

A great place to contemplate

More contemplation

Sunset at Tongue Point

Sunset at Tongue Point

Cape Flattery, the most western point of the contiguous 48

Cape Flattery Lighthouse

It's a short hike from the parking lot to Cape Flattery viewpoint

Lots of ships going to Seattle or Tacoma ports. Not many going out.

Clallam County lost 9 guys to the stupidity that was Vietnam

Clallam County memorial just west of Port Angeles

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Wooden Boat Festival, Port Townsend, WA

Wooden boats everywhere

Thousands of people attend

Great views of boats from the shoreline

Friday, August 26, 2016

Exploring Olympic Peninsula and Clallam County Parks

Salt Creek Recreation Area

Salt Creek Recreation Area

Beach at Salt Creek

Beach at Salt Creek with cruise ship in Straight of Juan de Fuca
on the horizon.

Freshwater Bay

Fresh Water Bay. Smoke is from fires in Olympic National Park

Dungeness Spit

Dungeness Recreation Area