Sunday, October 9, 2016

Trees Matter!

In other parts of the country people are protesting the oil pipelines going through the midwest or shootings by police. Out here we are protesting Port Ludlow Associates taking out timber where they are not suppose to be taking it out. Port Ludlow is known as and markets itself as  "A village in the woods by the bay." The woods are threatened.

This is one of the areas PLA has clear cut in violation of the rules.
More of the same area.

This is how it is suppose to look on the left.

Residents of Port Ludlow carried out a major demonstration today.

We live in a master planned resort with restrictions on timberharvesting.
Two things capture CO2 around here. Trees and the water.

There was a whole lot of honking going on today at the junction of Breaker Ln and Paradise Bay Road.

This demonstration was covered exclusively by the Sweet Times.

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