Thursday, May 8, 2014

Delano Legion Post 377 Awards Presentations

The Delano Knights of Columbus were cited
for their outstanding financial support for
American Legion Programs.

Without the partnership and financial support of the Delano Knights of Columbus, Legion Post 377 would not be able to carry on all the programs that supports veterans, Americanism and Children and Youth.
Marlene Kittock

Marlene Kittock, Delano City Clerk, was instrumental in working with FEMA to get the Legion Post out of the flood plain. This results in a considerable cost savings in flood insurance.

Mike Brandenburg, 1st Vice Commander

Mike Brandenburg, 1st Vice Commander, was named Legionnaire of the Year. In addition to his duties as 1st Vice Commander taking care of membership, Mike does a lot of work around the post including mowing, looking after color guard equipment, and many other things.
Steve Stahlke                                      

Steve Stahlke was named Club Board Member of the Year for his work on the board that oversees the bar and facilities. Steve conceptualized and implemented the upgrade to the outdoor patio. He organized the recovering of the bar stools. He is always looking for ways to improve the facility and bar and kitchen operation.                                                                                              
Bernie Dyreson

Dan Wendel

Roger Georges

Dan Wendel was awarded $250 for his volunteer hours around the Post and community from his employer, which he turned over to the Post.

Bernie Dyreson painted the exterior of the building and did a number of other things to improve the facility.

Roger Georges is our in-house electrician. He changed out lighting fixtures that will result in lowered utility bills and did a number of other electrical projects around the building.

Pam Hoschal

Pam Hoschel, a member of the auxiliary, was recognized as a "Newsletter Contributor". She also takes the lead in addressing the newsletter.
Dick Amundson

Dick Amundson was recognized as "Newsletter Addressor". He picks up the newsletter from the print shop and either assists auxiliary members in putting the labels on or does it himself.

George Krause received his 50th Year Continuous Membership Certificate.

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